Legislative & Political Services

PFPA Legislative and Political Services
It is a core mission of PFPA to represent and promote the interests of its membership before legislators and other government officials on the state level. PFPA’s governmental affairs program includes the following resources and services.

Full Time Governmental Affairs Staff:
The Association’s Executive Director is a registered lobbyist who interacts regularly with the Pennsylvania General Assembly and state agencies such as the Department of Conservation and Natural Resources, Department of Environmental Protection and Department of Agriculture.

“The Ticker”:
“The Ticker” is a weekly e-mail/fax that provides the membership with legislative and regulatory updates and other timely information on political happenings in Harrisburg that impact the forest products industry. It is also a key tool to initiate PFPA’s grassroots advocacy efforts.

Coalitions and Networks:
PFPA participates in coalitions and partnerships with other organizations on issues of common concern, thereby giving both the industry and the association increased visibility in Harrisburg.

Member Service and Support:
PFPA staff addresses regulatory questions, identifies resources and provides direct assistance to help members deal with state agencies and address conflicts with local governments involving timber harvesting ordinances and local road posting practices. Dozens of members utilize this support each year.

Governmental Information “Hotline”:
The PFPA office maintains a toll-free telephone information line for members to utilize regarding questions about state laws and regulations or information concerning the strategy for contacting appropriate state agencies. The number is 800-232-4562.

During each legislative session, TimberPAC intends to provide financial support to dozens state legislators, providing assistance to lawmakers who support a sustainable and reliable forest products supply chain while enhancing PFPA's visibility among state policymakers.

Committee and Working Group Representation:
PFPA’s efforts to develop partnerships with other stakeholders are demonstrated by its participation on numerous key policy and advisory committees. PFPA represents industry on more than a dozen councils, committees and organizations, including the following list. PFPA’s presence in these and similar groups ensures that the best interests of the forest products industry are represented in the development and deliberation of public policy in Harrisburg.

  • Conservation and Natural Resources Advisory Committee
  • Pennsylvania Hardwoods Development Council
  • Governor’s Invasive Species Council
  • Green Ribbon Task Force on Forest Products, Conservation and Jobs
  • DCNR State Forest Timber Harvest Advisory Committee
  • DCNR Ecosystem Management Advisory Committee
  • DCNR Forest Stewardship Committee
  • DCNR Forest Legacy Subcommittee
  • Project Learning Tree Advisory Committee
  • PennDOT Motor Carrier Safety Advisory Committee
  • PDA/Penn State Plant Health Center Advisory Committee
  • Penn State Department of Ecosystem Science and Management Advisory Committee
  • Penn State Ag Council
  • Advisory Council for Joint Committee for Conservation Forestry Task Force
  • Penn College Forest Advisory Committee

Participation in Federal Advocacy Groups:
While PFPA’s focus is state-level promotion and advocacy, we also participate and work closely with a number of national groups that work on the industry’s behalf at the federal level. Among the groups that PFPA works with as a key stakeholder and advisor are the following:
  • The Hardwood Federation includes a federal lobbying effort and unified political action committee designed to maximize the hardwood industry’s influence in Washington. PFPA joined NHLA and other forest products groups as charter members of the Hardwood Federation.
  • PFPA is a founding member of the Real American Hardwood Coalition, a national alliance of forest products organizations and companies focused on developing coordinated promotional efforts and branding focused on consumers.
  • The National Alliance of Forest Owners (NAFO) lobbies on federal advocacy on issues impacting privately-owned forests.
  • In 2013, PFPA joined the Federal Forest Resources Coalition, an association focused on improving the condition of Federal Forests through additional active management and sustainable levels of timber harvests.

Pennsylvania Forest Products Association

PFPA is Pennsylvania's foremost industry trade association representing all sectors of the Forest Products Industry in state and local government affairs. Our members range from the landowners, foresters and loggers that maintain our forests to the sawmills, secondary processors, industry suppliers, paper mills and wood product manufacturers who bring us products we all use in our daily lives. PFPA stands for the sustainable management of our forest resources to enhance forest health, habitat, environmental quality, economic growth and overall quality of life.